Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Liza Rios Came To REAL DEAL WOMEN!

A few weeks ago when we had Triple Seis on Real Deal Radio, I came up with the idea of trying to get Liza Rios to come to Real Deal Women. What I thought seemed to be a simple task, turned into a complicated one. She had agreed to come to RDW July 5th, but had cancelled last minute. I even tried calling a publicist who handles the Big Pun Legacy project and once again that seemed to not be enough. So fast forward to last Sunday, I get a wake up call from my dude Paulie Hussle informing me to check the Real Deal Radio myspace because there was a message from Liza asking to come in. About 2 weeks ago I had sent her a message stating that we've spoke before, etc. And she said she would come through but never confirmed. With the phone in hand ready to call her, she knew who I was and what I was calling for, set up the time and she said she would be there. Of course I was souped aswell as the Real Deal Women staff because they had the task of delivering an interview. Needless to say I feel it was the best Real Deal Women interview they've had. Through all the rumours on the internet about Liza she isn't as bad as the media and other bloggers percieved her to be. I even tried passing her a blunt and she declined. The defermation of her character needs to stop, hearing the stories and words coming out of her mouth first hand you can tell she was genuine and real about everything, couldn't have bullshitted that. I was able to tell her that her husband inspired me, hell he's one of the reasons why I'm where I am today. So with that said support the Big Pun Legacy DVD SEPT.15th



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